To say the weather was unkind to us tonight would be disrespectful to our 'rainmaker' I think ;-) There's a time for everything and I guess this should be taken as reprieve to our hectic schedule.
We may have been rained out somewhat but our spirit remains as gungho as ever to reclaim Wangsa Maju for all Wangsa Maju-ians! We want the Barang Naik party out so we can begin repairing the 'damages.'
Despite the heavy downpour, I still managed some walk-abouts and was able to talk with some of you. I continued to be humbled by the warm reception and encouragement extended to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I pray I can return the constituency's trust and goodwill with my service in the days to come.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank every commenter who has left kind words, 'tips' and wisdom in my blog. I would have wished that if only it was humanly possible for me to answer every comment ... but such is the irony of this overwhelming electron-speed communication technology given our 24hour day-cycle.
Also, I would like to draw your attention to this blog called 'Wangsa Maju For Malaysia' by resident.wangsamaju, which needs your participating support to really make it come alive as a community blog. So far resident.wangsamaju had been lone-ranging it and he could do with some help by some of you submitting some blog-ticals (if there's such a word.) I support what resident.wangsamaju is wishing to achieve and he has my moral backing.
Thank you and good night. You will see me back in Wangsa Maju later in the evening that's for sure. (Please refer to our latest timetable.)