Now you know exactly where to find us!
(Map courtesy of Resident.WangsaMaju & Better Half. Many thanks from Wee Choo Keong.)
After more than a month after the 12th General Election, I am happy to announce that our service centre will be in operation starting tomorrow (23 April 2008) evening at 8.00 pm.
(Map courtesy of Resident.WangsaMaju & Better Half. Many thanks from Wee Choo Keong.)
After more than a month after the 12th General Election, I am happy to announce that our service centre will be in operation starting tomorrow (23 April 2008) evening at 8.00 pm.
Please note the occasion will be considered a 'soft' opening. We will hold an official opening at a later date when the centre is more fully equipped and staffed. I thank you all for your patience and hope Wangsa Maju-ians appreciate the fact that it takes time to set up the centre from scratch.
The necessary minimum facilities are installed as of today with the exception of air-conditioning which the contractor had promised will be ready tomorrow.
Please expect to see me sitting in front of a coffee-shop table on loan from Restoran Z One downstairs when you drop by. "Every journey begins but with the first step" and with God's grace I hope we'll reach our destination sooner than we expect.
So please do drop by should you have the time. I look forward to meeting as many of my constituents, who have helped put me into parliament to serve them, before the first parliamentary session kicks off on Monday, 28 April.
I am sure we'll have a lot to talk about. Come, meeting you face to face will be my greatest satisfaction. I shall remain always your yangBerkhidmat.
Thank you for your support and God bless you and your family.
Wee Choo Keong
- 翻译员:angel_x , Wee Choo Keong 致于万二分谢意 -
當你來到時﹐請做好看到我暫時借用樓下Z ONE RESTAURANT 的桌椅來招待客人們的心理準備。*所有旅途都是由第一步開始*﹐希望上帝保祐我們能儘早達成我們的理想。
所以如果有時間的話不妨來參觀一下。在4月28日第一次國會會議為民請命之前﹐ 我希望能夠儘量與支持我﹐把我送入國會的選民們
黃朱強 啟