Here are some pictures taken during my visits this morning and afternoon. A write up of the events will be posted later. Please bear with me.
Launching of the "Free from Aedes Mosquitoes" in Sungei Mulia by Ministry of Health in conjunction with DBKL.

Visit to Danau Kota Flat - hearing out the problems faced by our Muslim brothers in their surau.

Hearing out and talking to the Residents Association's Chief of Danau Kota pertaining to their long list of problems.

ATTENTION: It has come to my awareness that there were many people making their rounds in Danau Kota who had claimed that they were representing me or working on my behalf.
This is not true and I have not appointed nor given any authority to anyone or any organisation to carry out such 'work' on my behalf.
Should I be appointing people to approach the residents for whatever reason or cause, you will hear of it from me first in this blog.
I urge the rakyat of Wangsa Maju not to be easily taken in by these people's talk and, under no circumstance, please do not contribute money or funds to whatever program or project they claim to be undertaking.
Thank you.
I assured our Muslim brothers that I will contact the developer of Danau Kota Flats to attend to this problem. I will also be questioning DBKL, especially Jabatan Perancang, why on earth did it issue Certificates of Fitness for the Danau Kota Flats without building a surau? I would have thought all facilities should have been completed before Certificates of Fitness are issued. I had also been told by our Muslim brothers that a piece of land had been allocated for the surau but there was no plan to build it at the moment. I do not know why.
In the interim, the broken sewage pipe must be attended to by the developer immediately as it involves a place of worship.
After I had attended to our Muslim brothers’ problem, I didn’t know that I was about to stumble upon a mine field! One Mr Lim, who is a resident association leader approached me with all the problems and I must confess that I was shocked to my bones after hearing what he had told me.
To understand more about the Danau Kota Flats, we must go back to history as the project had been abandoned and taken over by several companies. We must also take into consideration the people behind all the companies that had taken over this project in order to understand it better.
Brief History:
It all began in 1982 when the authority wanted to move out the squatters from Kampung Pasir. So the Danau Kota Flats were born. Peremba was the first developer to develop Danau Kota Flats. The construction of the flats was abandoned a few times and several other developers took over from Peremba to complete the development of the Danau Kota Flats. Several developers were involved before the five blocks of flats were finally completed. A unit of flat cost RM25,000-00.
Trust me, there are a lot to check up on the history of this Danau Kota Flats. There are still many unanswered questions with regards to the Kg Pasir land, the tin mine land and the original piece of land occupied by the army known as Wederbun Camp. Subsequently Wederbun Camp was moved to the present site opposite the JPJ. Now the development of this piece of huge prime land had been undertaken by a special developer. Perhaps someone, somewhere would be able to provide me with more information on the history of this piece of “land”, which Wederbun Camp was situated, off Jalan Genting Kelang.
For the moment, I will not go any further until I have verified the stories that I have heard so far.
I had been informed that many squatters from Kg Pasir and residents in the vicinity had not been allotted units at the Danau Kota Flats. I was also informed that there are 1,900 units of flats for the 5 blocks of Danau Kota Flats.
A vital question to the developer: have they allocated the low cost flats in Danau Kota Flats to ALL the registered squatters of Kg Pasir and the residents in the vicinity?
The conditions of the Danau Kota Flats were appalling. I was told that when it rained residents had to use umbrellas in the lift! At Block C, the lifts break down on an average of 3 to 4 times a day. The lift problems had been in existence since year 2002 until now.
Collection of rubbish was badly attended to by the Service Management company.
Anti-Lightning Cables were stolen and the management had not installed new anti-lightning cables. Whenever there is lightning, electrical appliances like TV, radio and etc. will be destroyed.
Inadequate parking spaces for the residents. I just wonder how on earth did Jabatan Perancang approve such a big project with such limited number of parking spaces.
There are too many foreigners/immigrants in Danau Kota Flats. They are mainly from
The Service Management company:
The Service Management company has been changed by the developer without consulting the flat owners. The Service Management company also had been collecting RM45 per flat every month and another RM4 per month go into a sinking fund account. To-date the flat owners have no access to the accounts of the funds collected (general maintenance and sinking fund accounts). This is not right. The flat owners must demand for an independent auditor to audit the maintenance and sinking fund accounts.
The flat owners should write to the Commissioner of Building in Dewan Bandaraya demanding for the formation of a Joint Management Committee (JMC), where the flat owners themselves will be elected to form this JMC to run its own affairs.
I shall be contacting the Service Management company and the authorities to sort out the above matters. I will be having a meeting with the leaders of the Residents Association in Danau Kota this coming Wednesday, 18 June 2008.
With the above background, now I can understand why the known two tricksters had been trying their utter best to mislead the Danau
Thank you very much to the Danau Kota residents for alerting me of the BN dirty tricks.
Addendum: With regard to the problem of Service Management companies not performing up to mark and mismanaging 'maintenance and sinking fund' accounts of privately owned flats, apartments, condominiums, etc., Danau Kota Flats are certainly not alone in this issue. I have heard of numerous other similar cases that are happening, not only in KL, but also throughout the country. The authorities must be made aware of this problem and the guilty parties brought to book to protect the rakyat's hard-earned savings and money.