30 May 2008

Your MP's Question of the Week #11

Maybank is Malaysia's largest domestic bank. It is also a government linked company with the government having close to 60% control of the banking group's assets.

Recently Maybank has disclosed that it intends to buy over Temasek Holdings' (a Singapore government linked company) shares in Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII) for a premium of 4.6 times above its book value for a total sum of RM8.6 billion.

One of the reasons given for Maybank's proposed purchase of Temasek Holdings shares in BII has been to give Maybank a foothold in the financial sector in Indonesia.

The Government or Bank Negara in particular has to weigh heavily on the following controversial issues with regard to the purchase and they are:

1. Maybank is buying the shares at a premium of 4.6 times above the book value;

2. This transaction is benefiting Temasek Holdings, a Singapore government linked company (and Singapore has just recently been given sovereignty over Pulau Batu Puteh by the International Court of Justice in The Hague);

3. Temasek Holdings will be making a capital gain of RM2.6 billion;

4. This transaction would likely be benefiting a consultant company with millions of RM in consultancy fees.

The question for this week then is:

Should Bank Negara stop Maybank from its proposed acquisition of Temasek Holdings' shares in Bank Internasional Indonesia at a premium of 4.6 times above the book value to protect the minority shareholders, rakyat and country's interest?

- Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak - Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong -
Soalan Mingguan MP anda #11

Maybank adalah bank terbesar Malaysia. Ia juga mempunyai hubungan dengan kerajaan di mana pihak kerajaan memegang kawalan 60% ke atasnya semua harta kumpulan Maybank.

Baru-baru ini Maybank mengumumkan hasratnya membeli saham Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII) yang dimiliki oleh Temasik Holding’s (sebuah syarikat yang mempunyai hubungan erat dengan kerajaan Singapura) dengan jumlah RM8.6 bilion yang merupakan 4.6 kali lebih daripada nilai bukunya.

(nota penterjemah: maksudnya, jika jumlah harta bersih BII adalah RM100, maka Maybank membayar RM460 untuk membelinya)

Salah satu sebab cadangan Maybank membeli saham BII yang dimiliki oleh Temasek Holdings adalah untuk Maybank mula bertapak di bidangan kewangan di Indonesia.

Kerajaan atau Bank Negara khususnya mesti berfikir masak-masak mengenai perkara-perkara yang berhubung kait dengan pembelian ini iaitu:

1. Maybank bercadang membeli saham pada harga tinggi, 4.6 kali melebihi nilai buku;

2. Pembelian ini akan menguntungkan Temasek Holdings, sebuah syarikat berhubung erat dengan kerajaan Singapura (dan Singapura baru-baru ini diberi hakmilik Pulau Batu Puteh oleh Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa di Hague, Belanda);

3. Temasek Holdings akan meraih keuntungan modal sebanyak RM2.6 billion

(nota penterjemah: berapa banyak hospital, sekolah, bantuan kepada orang miskin dan sakit?)

4. Urusniaga akan menguntungkan sebuah syarikat penasihat dengan berjuta-juta ringgit.

(note penterjemah: Undilah kerajaan Barisan Nasional).

Oleh itu, persoalan minggu ini adalah:

Patutkah Bank Negara melarang Maybank daripada meneruskan cadangan pembelian saham BII yang dimiliki oleh Temasik Holding’s pada kadar 4.6 kali melebihi nilai buku supaya kepentingan pemilik saham kecil, rakyat dan negara dapat dipertahankan?

- 翻译员:cc liew, Wee Choo Keong 致于万二分谢意 -
阿強每週一問 #11


最近马来亚银行宣布以比账面价值高出4.6倍的价格,收购淡马锡集团(Temasek Holdings)(一家新加坡政府相关公司)于印尼国际银行(Bank Internasional Indonesia,BII)的股权,交易总值是86亿令吉。




3.淡马锡集团将会获得26亿令吉的资本增益(capital gain);




29 May 2008

Parliamentary Questions for second sitting of parliament

Time to submit parliamentary questions, again!

Not ever wanting to be one of those 'caught' by blogger I am a Malaysian for "gross dereliction of duty" for not submitting parliamentary questions ;-) I wish to invite Wangsa Maju-ians to submit questions to me that you wish me to bring up in parliament for the second sitting in 2008, which will be from 23 June to 15 July.

This is what I would call participative democracy on your part and, through me, it is almost as if you are the member of parliament performing your duty for the rakyat, Agong and country.

I will not guarantee that all questions submitted to me will be taken up but at least, if they cover relevant and meaningful issues, perhaps they can be catalysts for new questions to emerge.

I am only allowed to submit 10 oral and 5 written questions. The deadline for submission is 2 June which effectively gives me only 4 days to collate and shortlist them.

So fire away and leave your questions in the comment section. It would be preferable if you do not submit your question or questions as an 'Anonymous' person but provide a nick at the end of the comment like "Malaysian patriot," "Concerned rakyat" or something like that. It helps to put a 'face' to the question submitted.

Thank you.

Wee Choo Keong
MP for Wangsa Maju

- Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak - Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong -
Soalan-soalan untuk sidang parlimen kedua

Masa untuk ungkitkan soalan parlimen lagi!

Saya tidak mahu menjadi salah seorang yang 'ditangkap' oleh blogger I am a Malaysian kerana lalai dalam tugas saya tidak mengutarakan soalan-soalan yang anda semua mahu saya kemukakan di sidang parlimen kedua yang akan berlangsung daripada 23 Jun hingga 15 Julai.

Ini adalah apa yang saya sebut sebagai demokrasi penglibatan di mana anda semua, menerusi saya, seolah melaksanakan tugas sebagai wakil rakyat untuk rakyat, DYMM Dipertuan Agong dan negara.

Saya tidak boleh jamin semua soalan dihantar kepada saya akan dipilih tetapi jika soalan-soalan anda melibatkan isu-isu yang relevan dan bermakna, ia boleh mencetuskan soalan-soalan baru.

Saya hanya dibenarkan kemukakan 10 soalan lisan dan 5 soalan bertulis. Tarikh muktamad adalah 2 Jun dan ini bermakna saya hanya ada 4 hari untuk mengumpul dan memilih soalan.

(nota penterjemah: ada had 40 perkataan, bukan?)

Oleh itu, tinggalkan soalan-soalan anda di ruangan ulasan (komen). Lebih baik anda tidak meninggalkan soalan-soalan anda sebagai 'Anonymous' (orang tidak dinamakan) tetapi bagilah satu nama timangan di akhir soalan seperti "Patriot negara," "Rakyat yang ambil berat" dan sebagainya kerana ini memberi suatu identity pada soalan anda.

Terima kasih.

Wee Choo Keong
Ahli Parlimen, Wangsa Maju

- 翻译员:cc liew, Wee Choo Keong 致于万二分谢意 -


为了不想被一些部落客「抓」到,免得像【I am a Malaysian】部落客所叙述的那样,说我「亵职」,没有提呈国会问答环节的问题;-)我希望邀请旺沙玛朱居民把您的疑问提交给我,让我把您的问题提 交到2008年第二次国会问答环节中去,这次的问答环节将会由6月23日开始直到7月15日。







27 May 2008

Mahadi's and Azlan's infamous 3 little words ...

NOTICE: Read Maybank's Briefing on purchase of Bank Internasional Indonesia from Temasek Holdings here.

(Terjemahan ada berikut di bawah.)

(中文版,请点击这里. - 翻译员:cc liew, Wee Choo Keong 致于万二分谢意. )

Yesterday, in a Malay Mail online news item headlined "Demolition chief was 'carrying out orders'" here's what the paper reported in its opening paragraphs:
"THE City Hall officer responsible for depriving some 200 families of their livelihood by hastily tearing down eight illegally erected food courts in Taman Desa Setapak on May 21 said: "I was merely carrying out my duty."
"Azlan Abdullah, who was in charge of the demolition of the eight buildings housing some 130 hawker stalls, said he did not receive any instructions to halt the demolition work."

Notice the similarity
Azlan Abdullah has in common with his superior, City Hall urban planning director, Mahadi Che Ngah, when they are asked to explain their unlawful, high-handed and inhumane demolition actions - despite the stay of action for 14 days given by their bosses?

It's the way they give their answers as excuses with these infamous three little words: I did not ...

Mahadi Che Ngah: "I did not read my sms (for 5 days)."

Azlan Abdullah: "I did not receive any instructions to halt the demolition work."

I am quite sure Mahadi Che Ngah would also have said "I did not read the email ..." that was sent to him on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 by the Pegawai Khas kepada Datuk Bandar, En Shaari, and that's why further demolition work was carried out first thing in the morning the next day on May 22 by Azlan Abdullah.

Mahadi Che Ngah did not read the sms that was sent to him by his boss, Ketua Pengarah DBKL, Datuk Hj Salleh on May 17.

Mahadi Che Ngah also did not read his email that was sent to him by
the Pegawai Khas kepada Datuk Bandar, En Shaari on May 22. (You can read it here.)

Mahadi Che Ngah, because of the above, did not give instructions to Azlan Abdullah not to proceed with the unlawful and high-handed demolition work for 2 consecutive days.

Do Mahadi Che Ngah read anything?

Mahadi Che Ngah, just because he says "I did not ...", can seem to be getting away with causing havoc and grief to the rakyat of Kuala Lumpur as well as turning DBKL to become the enemy of the rakyat so easily?

Mahadi Che Ngah has no respect for his bosses - therefore he is the de facto Datuk Bandar of Kuala Lumpur!

Mahadi Che Ngah surely must be answerable to someone, some body, some party or some company.

The question is WHO or WHAT - and what are their motives and what do they hope to gain - for him and Azlan Abdullah to be so blatantly insubordinative and daring to go about creating havoc and misery for the rakyat of Kuala Lumpur?

- Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak
- Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong -

Kata-kata Mahadi dan Azlan yang “busuk terkenal”

Semalam dalam akhbar Malay Mail saluran internet bertajuk “Ketua kerja perobohan bertindak ikut arahan” bermula dengan perenggan berikut:

“Pegawai DBKL yang bertanggungjawab menjejaskan punca hidup 200 keluarga di Taman Desa Setapak pada tanggal 21 Mei dengan merobohkan gerai makanan haram berkata, ’Saya hanya menjalankan tugas saya.

“Azlan Abdullah, yang mengetuai kerja merobohkan 8 bangunan yang memuatkan sebanyak 130 gerai, berkata dia tidak menerima arahan memberhentikan kerjanya.”

Dapatkah anda perasan persamaan Azlan Abdullah dan ketuanya, Pengarah Perancangan DBKL, Mahadi Che Ngah, apabila mereka diminta memberi penjelasan terhadap tindakan yang salah di sisi undang-undang, angkuh dan tidak berperikemanusiaan, meskipun arahan tangguh kerja selama 14 hari telah diberi?

Iaitu cara mereka memberi jawapan/alasan dengan perkataan: “Saya tidak…”

Mahadi Che Ngah: "Saya tidak baca gua punya sms (selama 5 hari)."

Azlan Abdullah: "Saya tidak menerima apa-apa arahan memberhentikan kerja merobohkan gerai."

Saya juga amat pasti Mahadi Che Ngah akan berkata “Saya tidak baca e-mel …”yang telah dihantar kepadanya pada Rabu, 21 Mei 2008 oleh Pegawai Khas kepada Datuk Bandar, En Shaari, dan sebab itulah kerja-kerja perohan diteruskan pada 22 Mei oleh si Azlan Abdullah itu.

Mahadi Che Ngah tidak baca sms yang dihantar kepadanya oleh ketuanya, Ketua Pengarah DBKL, Datuk Hj Salleh pada Mei 17.

Mahadi Che Ngah juga tidak baca e-mel yang dihantar kepadanya oleh Pegawai Khas kepada Datuk Bandar, En Shaari pada Mei 22. (Anda boleh baca mengenainya disini.)

Mahadi Che Ngah, kerana kelalaiannya tersebut, tidak memberi arahan kepada Azlan Abdullah supaya jangan meneruskan kerja-kerja perobohan yang salah di sisi undang-undang dan angkuh selama 2 hari.

Adakah Mahadi Che Ngah baca apa-apa?

Mahadi Che Ngah, hanya oleh kerana dia kata Saya tidak …” boleh dengan senangnya melepaskan dirinya daripada dosa menjejaskan hidup menyakitkan hati rakyat Kuala Lumpur serta menjadikan DBKL musuh kepada rakyat KL?

Mahadi Che Ngah tidak menghormati ketuanya dan oleh itu dialah Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur yang sebenarnya!

Mahadi Che Ngah patut dan mesti bertanggungjawab serta tertakluk kepada seseorang, sebuah lembaga, sebuah perbandanan atau sekumpulan.

Persoalannya ialah SIAPA atau APA – dan apakah tujuan mereka dan apakah yang mereke kehendaki – untuk dia dan Azlan Abdullah dengan secara terang-terang mengikari arahan dan berani mendatangkan kekacauan dan kesengsaraan rakyat Kuala Lumpur?

25 May 2008

The faces behind the insubordination of orders & high-handed demolitions

Muka-muka dalam hikayat menafikan arahan dan perobohan angkuh

(中文版,请点击这里. - 翻译员:cc liew, Wee Choo Keong 致于万二分谢意 )

This is the Ketua Jabatan Perancang of DBKL(City Hall urban planning director) and immediate superior of En Azlan, En Mahadi Che Ngah, who did not read his SMS for 5 days.

Inilah Ketua Jabatan Perancang DBKL dan ketua En Azlan, En Mahadi Che Ngah, yang tidak membaca SMSnya untuk 5 hari.

I have also received information that he was seen actively campaigning for Datuk Zulhasnan Rafique, the current minister of FT during the 12th GE. Isn't there a general order in the civil service that prohibits any government servant from being involved in politics, let alone be actively campaigning for a politician?

Does this also explain why the politically-motivated, high-handed and inhumane demolition actions were taken against the 130 food stalls at Taman Desa Setapak on 21 & 22 May 2008 by this En Azlan bin Abdullah below?
- Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak - Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong -
Saya juga menerima maklumat bahawa dia berkempen secara aktif untuk Datuk Zulhasnan Rafique, yang merupakan Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan, semasa pilihanraya umum ke-12. Bukankah adanya arahan umum di perkhidmatan awam yang melarang kaki tangan kerajaan daripada terlibat dalam politik, lebih-lebih lagi berkempen secara aktif?

Adakah ini boleh menerangkan angkara merobohkan 130 gerai makanan di Taman Desa Setapak pada 21 & 22 Mei 2008 oleh si En Azlan bin Abdullah ini yang berasakan minda politik, amat angkuh dan tidak berperikemanusiaan?

There are many questions to be asked as to why these two DBKL officers are actively insubordinating their boss' orders and going about their unlawful and inhumane demolition works even though a stay of action for 14 days had been given. This is clearly a mission of theirs to go about destabilising Pakatan Rakyat as was confirmed by an arrogant statement made by En Azlan on the first day of unlawful demolition.

Who are their bosses and who are they really working for?

I call upon the authorities to investigate En Mahadi and En Azlan for their gross insubordination and unlawful, high-handed demolition works recently and take serious actions against them for purposely turning DBKL into an enemy of the rakyat of Kuala Lumpur.

Kini banyak soalan yang perlu dijawap iaitu mengapakah 2 pegawai DBKL secara cergas menafikan arahan ketua mereka dan menjalankan kerja merobohkan gerai-gerai secara haram dan tidak berperikemanusiaan walaupun suatu arahan penangguhan untuk 14 hari sudahpun diberi. Ini amatlah jelas bahawa mereka mempunyai tugas khas mengacau ketenteraman dan kestabilan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di mana angkara terkeji ini jelas daripada kata-kata yang maha angkuh yang keluar daripada mulut Encik Azlan pada hari robohan haram dibuat.

Siapakah ketua mereka yang sebenar dan kepada siapakah yang mereka berkhidmat?

Saya menyeru pihak berkuasa supaya menyiasat En Mahadi and En Azlan ke atas kesalahan besar mereka menafikan arahan dan kerja robohan yang salah di sisi undang-undang, dan mengambil tindakan mereka yang sengaja menjadikan pejabat DBKL kepada musuh rakyat Kuala Lumpur.

23 May 2008

Your MP's Question of the Week #10

(中文版,请点击这里. - 翻译员:cc liew, Wee Choo Keong 致于万二分谢意 )

Kuala Lumpur is working towards being a world-class city. Apart from developing the environment and infrastructure in an orderly and responsible manner to live up to that dream, the city must - as top priority - look to managing its people's issues with care, love and understanding.

For what is a world-class city when the cityscape and bricks and mortars may look good but its people living in it are being bullied, antagonised and ignored? Therefore, your MP's question for this week is ...

Should the Datuk Bandar of Kuala Lumpur be elected by the rakyat of KL so that he/she can be more effective in looking into the rakyat's problems and solving them without being inhumane and high-handed?
- Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak - Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong -
Soalan Mingguan MP anda #10

Kini at usaha memajukan Kuala Lumpur ke arah bandaraya bertaraf dunia. Selain daripada membangunkan alam sekitar serta kemudahan awam dalam keadaan terkawal dan bertanggungjawab untuk mencapai cita-cita ini, pihak pentadbir bandaraya mesti mengutamakan isu-isu rakyat degan prihatin, bertimbang rasa dan berkefahmanan.

Apakah baiknya menjadi bandaraya bertaraf dunia dengan bangunan-bangunan megah tetapi penghuni di situ dianaiya, dicabar dan diabaikan? Oleh itu, soalan wakil rayat anda minggu ini adalah ...

Adakah seorang Dato Bandar Kuala Lumpur yang telah di undikan oleh rakyat KL akan menjadi lebih berkesan dalam menyelami masalah rakyat di Kuala Lumpur dan dapat menyelesaikannya tanpa berkelakuan kurang berperikemanusiaan dan angkuh?

Rakyat vs Datuk Bandar but no show from Datuk Bandar

Rakyat lawan Datuk Bandar tetapi DB tidak kelihatan
- Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak - Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong -

(中文版,请点击这里. - 翻译员:cc liew, Wee Choo Keong 致于万二分谢意 )

View a video clip of the peaceful protest here.
Courtesy of yew-tube of 'my blog-tv.'

Another video clip by malaysiakini.

This morning at about 11.00 a.m. the people held a peaceful protest against DBKL's high-handed, unlawful and inhumane demolition of about 130 food stalls in Taman Desa Setapak on Wednesday, 21 May 2008 and again on Thursday 22 May first thing in the morning.

Pagi ini lebih kurang 11:00 pagi, orang ramai berkumpul secara aman untuk membuat bantahan kepada tindakn angkuh, haram di sisi undang-undang serta tidak berperikemanusiaan dalam merobohkan lebih kurang 130 gerai makanan di Taman Desa Setapak pada hari Rabu, 21 Mei 2008 dan lagi awal pagi pada Khamis 22 May.

More than 100 people together with the affected parties turned up in front of the DBKL headquarters at Jalan Raja Laut as early as 10.30 a.m. Although there was some police presence, the peaceful protest was held without incident. While other Pakatan Rakyat MPs were either out of town or had prior engagements, about 10 PR MPs were present to lend strong support.

Lebih daripada 100 orang berkumpul bersama dengan pihak terjejas berhimpun di hadapan ibu pejabat DBKL di Jalan Raja Laut seawall 10:30 pagi. Walaupun ada anggota polis, bantahan aman ini berlaku tanpa masalah. Meskipun, wakil rakyat Pakatan Raykat yang lain berada di luar Bandar atau sudah ada temu janji lain yang telah diaturkan, lebih kurang 10 orang wakil rakyat PR hadir untuk memberi sokongan kuat.

( Nota penterjemah : Jika PDRM “serajin” ni, penjenayah akan lenyap di bumi)

The highlight of the 'meeting with the Datuk Bandar of KL' witnessed the non-presence of the Datuk Bandar himself. Instead he was represented by the Deputy FT Minister, Datuk Saravanan, and Ketua Pengarah DBKL, Datuk Hj Salleh, as well as the Pengarah Jbt. Perancang, En Mahadi, who claimed he did not read his sms for 5 days before the 'ganas' incident.

Overall, DBKL was insistent in skirting the 14 days' grace issue and we were insistent on an explanation why the agreement of the grace period was not kept. DBKL was responsible for the problem and the mess.

We came out of the meeting feeling that DBKL is disorganised, uncooperative and communication within the organisation has broken down.

Perkara tergenting dalam perjumpaan dengan Datuk Bandar adalah kehilangan Datuk Bandar sendiri. Dia diwakili oleh Naib Menteri Wilyah Persekutuan, Datuk Saravana dan Ketua Pengarah DBKL, Datuk Hj Salleh, serta Pengarah Jbt. Perancang, En Mahadi, yang dakwa dia tidak membaca smsnya selama 5 hari sebelum berlakunya peristiwa'ganas'.

Pada keseluruhannya, DBKL berdegil mengenepikan tempoh kelonggaran14 hari dan kami tegas mahu penerangan kenapa janji tempoh kelonggaran itu tidak dipatuhi . DBKL bertanggungjawab ke atas masalah ini.

(Note penterjemah: DBKL harus memberikan penjaja lessen yang sah jika syarat-syarat termaktub dipathui oleh penjaja dan mengkaji menempatkan mereka di tempat yang sama dengan syarat-syarat yang munasabah kerana penghuni Desa Setapak selesa dengan adanya penjaja-penjaja tersebut. Pegawai DBKL namun kurang peka mengenai masalah jenayah dan kekurangan lampu di Desa Setapak)

Kami keluar daripada perjumpaan tersebut dengan perasaan bahawa DBKL amat tidak beratur, tidak bekerjasama dan enggan saling berhubung dengan cekap sesama jabatan sendiri.

22 May 2008

Little napoleons of DBKL's act of defiance and outright arrogance!

(中文版,请点击这里. - 翻译员:cc liew, Wee Choo Keong 致于万二分谢意 )

The Wilayah Pakatan Rakyat MPs and other PR MPs will be going to see the Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur tomorrow morning, 23 May 2008, at 11.00 am to hand over a memorandum protesting the high-handedness of DBKL officers in discriminatingly demolishing the food court involving 130 stalls in Taman Desa Setapak.

Reisdents of KL will also be holding a protest at the same venue at Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Raja Laut at the same time. ALL RAKYAT ARE WELCOME TO JOIN in voicing your unhappiness against the high-handedness of DBKL for breaking the law!

Thank you.

Wee Choo Keong
MP for Wangsa Maju

- 翻译员:angel_x , Wee Choo Keong 致于万二分谢意 -

直轄區和來自其他地區的人民聯盟國會議員將會在明天(2008年5月23日)于上午11時和市長會面以便提成一份備忘錄﹐作為抗議市議會官員以選擇性方式摧毀超過130個座落在TAMAN DESA SETAPAK 的熟食攤位的蠻橫無理行為。

吉隆坡人民也將會在吉隆坡市議會前﹐也就是JALAN RAJA LAUT同一時間舉行糾察集會﹐以進行抗議。


5.15 pm: Here's da man! En Azlan bin Abdullah, the de facto Datuk Bandar! I have already brought up the subject of his 'abuse of power' during Parliamentary debate today.

This is the man who can ignore all directives of the YBhg. Datuk Ketua Pengarah of DBKL. He is so powerful that he need not wear a name tag on duty. Even the PM has to wear a name tag but not him. Maybe En Azlan bin Abdullah does not want people to know who he really is!

更新﹐ 下午5時15分﹕

AZLAN BIN ABDULLAH﹐ 自認為是市長的人﹗我已把他濫權的行為帶上國會辯論。



UPDATE, 4.30 pm: Two police reports have been lodged against an officer of DBKL, En Azlan bin Abdullah, at the Balai Polis Wangsa Maju this afternoon for 1) the continuing criminal demolition of private property; and 2) his criminal abuse of power and defiance of order from his superior to stop acting outside of his duties.

The two police reports are: WMAJU/005428/08 (12.49 pm); WMAJU/005430/08 (1.41 pm)

更新﹐ 4時30分﹕
在今天下午﹐兩份針對某個市議會官員﹐AZLAN BIN ABDULLAH 的警方報案已經開檔﹐因該名人士涉嫌﹕



WMAJU/005428/08 (12.49 pm); WMAJU/005430/08 (1.41 pm)

--- original post ---
Despite the e-mail from the Special Assistant to Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur assuring postponement of all actions for 14 days, this morning (22-05-08) the officer of Jabatan Perancang proceeded to take drastic actions against the Chinese shopkeepers as an act of defiance toward his superior and to punish the voters for voting for the Pakatan Rakyat candidate. Bandaraya is playing BN politics and BN has never learned to respect the voters' decision of March 8th 2008.

BN is still in a denial syndrome mode and will always be until the people voted them out throughout the country. The BN system has broken irretrievably. Even the instructions from Datuk Hj Salleh and Datuk Bandar's offices were ignored.

If Datuk Hj Salleh and Datuk Bandar KL have dignity, with due respect they should resign immediately for making empty promises and causing miseries to the people of Kuala Lumpur.

Failure to read SMS for 5 days led to havoc and grief at Taman Desa Setapak!

Can you believe it, a pegawai by the name of En MAHADI (an immediate superior of En AZLAN BIN ABDULLAH) from Jabatan Perancang has claimed that he did not read the SMS that his boss YBhg. Datuk Hj Salleh, Ketua Pengarah of DBKL, sent him on Saturday, 17 May 2008 regarding a stay of action for 14 days with regard to the demolition of the hawker stalls in Taman Desa Setapak.

The assurance of the stay of action for 14 days was given to me after I had spoken to YBhg. Datuk Hj Salleh last Saturday, while visiting Taman Desa Setapak, so that I can have a meeting with the affected parties to come to a solution.

Imagine, for 5 days En Mahadi did not read his SMS!

I personally find this hard to believe. Something is surely amiss! I call for serious action to be taken against En Mahadi (and all those connected with the case) for gross irresponsibility, insubordination, and, high-handed action for wreaking havoc and bringing great hardship and grief to Taman Desa Setapak yesterday.

I reproduce below the email which I have received from the office of the YBhg. Datuk Ketua Pengarah of DBKL for your scrutiny and for you to draw your own conclusion. Thank you.

I also wish to record a word of thanks to the office of YBhg. Datuk Ketua Pengarah of DBKL for the quick reply to my complaint of the hawkers' grievances. Terima kasih.

From: shaari ahmad junid <shaari.ahmadjunid@gmail.com>
To: Wee Choo Keong <weeck22@yahoo.com>
Cc: Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur <datukbandar@dbkl.gov.my>; kpdbkl@dbkl.gov.my; mahadi@dbkl.gov.my
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 7:55:51 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: gambar gerai desa setapak diroboh Oleh Jab Perancang

YB. Wee Choo Keong

Saya tidak terima gambar yang YB. nyatakan dalam e-mail ini. Saya telah bercakap dengan YBhg. Datuk Ketua Pengarah berkaitan penangguhan yang diberikan oleh Datuk Ketua Pengarah dalam kes gerai di Desa Setapak dan didapati SMS diantara YB. dgn Datuk KP telah dihantar kepada Pengarah Jbt. Perancang meminta masa diberi kepada YB untuk berbincang dengan Pegerai, tetapi pesanan penangguhan tersebut telah tidak sampai kepada pegawai lapangan En. Azlan.

Oleh kerana tiada pengsahan bertulis dan Datuk Ketua Pengarah tidak dapat dihubungi pada 21hb.Mei 08, Operasi meroboh telah dilaksanakan kerana ini adalah kes yang tertangguh begitu lama.

Saya minta maaf terhadap kegagalan penyampaian keputusan Datuk Ketua Pengarah kepada Pegawai Lapangan yang menyebabkan kerja meroboh dilaksanakan seperti dilaporkan.

Perkara ini telah dimaklumkan kepada Datuk Ketua Pengarah dan diputuskan tindakan penguatkuasaan ditangguhkan untuk 14 hari dari hari ini. Keputusan ini hendaklah disusuli dengan surat rayuan bertulis dari YB dengan menyatakan cara penyelesaian yang akan dilaksanakan dan struktur tanpa izin akan dirobohkan selepas 14 hari. Keputusan ini telah disampaikan kepada Pengarah Perancang.

Keperihatinan YB. terhadap isu ini hendaklah diiring bersama dengan sokongan terhadap penguatkuasaan yang mematuhi undang undang dan penambahbaikan kepada persekitaran Parlimen Wangsa Maju.

Sekian Terima Kaseh,

Aj. Shaari
Pegawai Khas kepada Datuk Bandar

* the highlight in the email is mine

21 May 2008

DBKL playing politics and its action unreasonable, inhumane!

The photographs above show the inhumane attitude of the officers of Jabatan Perancang and Jabatan Penguatkuasaan of DBKL. DBKL took drastic actions against the hawkers at Taman Desa Setapak. I would like to thank one of the hawkers for sending these photographs to me.

I have seen notices from Jabatan Perancang pertaining to this matter and I knew that this matter had been outstanding for many years. I have seen a letter signed by the previous MP of Wangsa Maju (Datuk Yew Teong Look) asking for extension of time for him to resolve the matter. Unfortunately this matter was not resolved.

Last week (17-05-2008) a hawker called me and told me that he had received a notice from Jabatan Perancang and he and other affected hawkers had been warned by the MCA leaders of Section 2 not to call me until Jabatan Perancang take action on 21-05-08 (today). However, after having read the notice I went to the affected area with the hawkers to have a look. I immediately called Datuk Hj Salleh, the Ketua Pengarah of DBKL, and asked him to postpone the demolition action until the end of this month so that I can meet up and discuss this matter with affected hawkers with the view to find a solution. Datuk Salleh kindly agreed. So I informed two of the affected hawkers accordingly.

Yesterday (20-05-08) I also did call En Abdul Salim, the Timbalan Pengarah of DBKL , and told him about the agreement I have with Datuk Hj Salleh and he told me that he will hold on the demolition actions.

I have been informed by one of the affected hawkers that En AZLAN BIN ABDULLAH (from Jabatan Perancang) had told them that it was due to the people support for me and not the BN/MCA candidate and that the new YB Wee (that is me) have made too many complaints about approval of housing development projects for the Wangsa Maju area. En Azlan also said that YB Wee's complaints have caused a lot of problems for Jabatan Perancang.

I do admit that I have made formal complaints to Datuk Bandar, Ministry of Wilayah Persekutuan and Parliament about housing development projects being indiscriminately approved by Jabatan Perancang without due consideration to the existing infrastructures in Wangsa Maju. In my complaints, I did mention about the many housing projects by Platinum Victory Sdn Bhd. I did ask DBKL to investigate whether these housing development projects by Platinum Victory Sdn Bhd had been approved in accordance with the policy of DBKL and all its bye-laws concerning housing development projects.

I wish to put on record the followings:

i. Datuk Salleh Yusuf, the Ketua Pengarah, should have been sincere and honest in his DEED especially the agreement reached and not say one thing to the MP and do another thing. As the second highest officer (after Datuk Bandar), he should be God fearing and not play game when it affects the welfare of the rakyat. Surely, an extension of about one week for the MP to resolve problems created by DBKL for years was not unreasonable.

ii. All these so-called illegal structures have been there for years - some more than 10, 20 or 30 years . The Datuk Bandar KL should ask himself why this was so. Jabatan Perancang should also know about this. It was due to the rampant corruptions.

iii. The officer in Jabatan Perancang or any other DBKL officer should remain neutral and not play MCA/BN politics. Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur must take immediate actions against En Azlan bin Abdullah of Jabatan Perancang for playing politics and to also order for an investigation into all the approvals given by Jabatan Perancang for all the housing development projects by Platinum Victory Sdn Bhd.

iv. Datuk Bandar KL should also instill a new value in all DBKL officers that DBKL officers are civil servants to serve all the residents in KL and therefore must not be involved in politics.

v. I have received information that Jabatan Perancang took selective actions against the hawkers of certain race and I hope that this was untrue.

- 翻译员:crocodileong@gmail.com, Wee Choo Keong 致于万二分谢意 -




上 星期((17-05-2008) 一位小贩打电话给我,告诉我说他接到规划局发的通告,他和其他受到影响的小贩被旺沙马朱的马华领袖警告不要打给我直到规划局采取行动。然而,我看到这个通 告马上到受影响的小贩处察看。我马上打电话给Datuk Hj Salleh, the Ketua Pengarah of DBKL 和叫他展延这个鲁莽的举动直到这个月尾,让我可以和受影响的小贩会面找出解决方案,Datuk Salleh欣然同意。我也就此通知受影响的两个小贩。昨天我也打给En Abdul Salim, the DBKL副总监,把我和Datuk Hj Salleh的协议告诉他。他告诉我说他会暂停有关行动。

我也被其中一位受影响的小贩告知说En AZLAN BIN ABDULLAH (规划局的人)告诉他们这都是因为人民支持我,而不是国阵或马华的代表。而我,这位新的议员对旺沙马朱区的房屋发展计划做出了太多的投诉。En.Azlan也说我的投诉造成规划局太多的麻烦。

我 承认我曾经做出书面投诉给Datuk Bandar, Ministry of Wilayah Persekutuan and Parliament 关于那些不明究理就被批准的房屋发展计计划,完全没有考虑到现有旺沙马朱区的基础设备。在我诸多的投诉中,我也提到关于Platinum Victory Sdn Bhd所承包的工程。我也请DBKL 调查是否这些Platinum Victory Sdn Bhd所承包的工程被DBKL所批准以及和DBKL和房屋发展计划有关的条例

i. Datuk Salleh Yusuf, 总监应该对自己的行为负责,特别是当一个协议已经达成的时候,而不是对议员说一套,做另外一套。作为地位仅次于Datuk Bandar的第二把交椅,他应该诚心诚意对待人民,不要做出影响老百姓福利的“游戏”。显而易见的,一个礼拜的宽限,要一个议员去解决DBKL多年制造 出来的问题,是不可理喻的。

2。所谓的违规建筑都在那些地方存在了超过二三十年, Datuk Bandar KL 应该问问自己为什么会这样,规划局也是,这是他们彼此都不敢去掀开的原因,滥权贪污。

3。Datuk Bandar KL也应该对所有的DBKL的官员灌输一个新的价值观即DBKL的官员都是人民的公仆,不是政治家的奴隶。



20 May 2008

Minister of Transport confirms in Parliament AirAsia owes MAB RM110 million!

The Minister of Transport has confirmed in Parliament today that AirAsia has owed Malaysia Airport Holding Berhad (MAB) RM110 million from 2002 until 31 March 2008!!!

During the Minister of Transport answering before Parliament: Wee Choo Keong [Wangsa Maju] informed Parliament that on 13 May 2008 it was untrue when the Minister of Transport said this: “With regards to the debt owed by AirAsia to Malaysia Airport Holding Bhd (MAB) the amount was RM5,443,746 and it was in the process of making payment.” Wee Choo Keong further added that the Minister of Transport was also misleading this August House when he (the Minister) said that AirAsia owed MAB the sum of about RM5.4 million and it was in the process of paying.

Wee Choo Keong [Wangsa Maju] challenged the Minister of Transport and stated that AirAsia actually owed MAB more than RM80 million, Petronas for fuel RM20 million and the Government for RM35 million for the repairs of 7 aeroplanes, which MAS took over from AirAsia when AirAsia gave up Rural Air Services (RAS). What actions will the Minister of Transport take pertaining to the said debts?

The Minister of Transport replied that MP for Wangsa Maju got the figures wrong. The Minister of Transport has confirmed in Parliament this evening that from 2002 until 31 March 2008 AirAsia owed about RM110 million to MAB for all services at all airports. The Minister went further to state that AirAsia is disputing its debt of RM110 million to MAB and this matter has been sent to the Ministry of Finance to resolve.

Wangsa Maju MP also informed Parliament that low cost carriers namely Skywest and Aloha in USA have collapsed. Low cost carrier in Hong Kong has also collapsed recently and there are four low cost carriers in India which are in trouble now.

Wangsa Maju MP also informed Parliament that AirAisia also involved in fuel hedging at about US$82 per barrel. Now oil prices per barrel has gone up more than US$120.

In the light of the above, Wangsa Maju MP asked the Minister of Finance to give an undertaking that the Government will not bail out or give any more subsidy to AirAsia if it is facing financial problems. But the Minister of Transport did not provide an answer to this undertaking.


1. How could MAB allow AirAsia to chalk up to RM110 million debt for MAB services from 2002 to 31 March 2008?

2. Since this is a private debt of RM110 million owed by AirAsia to MAB, why must this debt be referred to the Ministry of Finance?

3. Please go to the Parliamentary Page in my blog and go to Question No.: 60 on 13 May 2008 and you will see the whole question and answer on the subject matter. (Here's the link.)

KL Draft Plan 2020: No Pakatan Rakyat MP to be appointed to Committee!

Minister of Willayah Persekutuan after being questioned by me that none of the 10 Pakatan Rakyat MPs has been appointed as member of the Committee to look into the KL Draft Plan for 2020:

Whether the Government through DBKL will take into account that there are more than 500,000 residents of Kuala Lumpur who voted for the 10 MPs and that all the 10 PR MPs should be appointed into the said Committee

The Minister replied to the effect that the Government will not appoint any of the 10 PR MPs into the said Committee to look into the Draft Plan for 2020.

This is democracy BN style! This shows that the hearing of the KL Draft Plan for 2020 is just for show only.

Residents protest against contractor's unkept promise

Yesterday morning, the local residents of Kampung Puah Seberang and Taman Sentul Utama held a protest to voice their unhappiness over a promise not kept by the builder of the DUKE Highway (Duta and Ulu Kelang Highway).

The contractor of the project is Konsortium Lebuhraya Utara-Timur (KL) Sdn Bhd.

For more than 40 years, the rakyat of Kg Puah Seberang (Wangsa Maju Constituency) and Tmn Sentul Utama (Batu Constituency) are closely knitted communities until this DUKE Highway came along.

The DUKE Highway is like a "Wall", which suddenly divides the people of Kg. Puah Seberang and Tmn Sentul Utama and this "Wall" has also denied them easy access. The only easy access between the two communities would be a pedestrian cum motorcycle bridge, which is a common feature we see in most highways throughout the country.

Before the construction of this DUKE Highway, PLUS has agreed to build a pedestrian and motorbike bridge to link the two communities so that the children from Tmn Sentul Utama can attend school at Sekolah Rendah Agama Kg Puah, Setapak and the residents of both areas could have easy access to one another.

But the contractor, Konsortium Lebuhraya Utara-Timur (KL) Sdn Bhd, did not keep up to their promise and only built the pedestrian bridge. Hence the protest by about 150 residents of the area. The protest was also attended by YB Tian Chua, MP for Batu, and I. The rakyat of Kg Puah Seberang and Tmn Sentul Utama demand that the said contractor immediately build a motorcycle bridge for the said areas as had been promised.

On 15 May 2008, YB Tian Chua had officially writtten to PLUS to remind them to take immediate action to ensure that the motorcycle bridge is built. If there is no positive action from PLUS, YB Tian Chua and I will bring this matter to the attention of Parliament.

19 May 2008

Dr Mahathir quits UMNO


As of 12.35 p.m today, former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad announced that he has quit UMNO. He has also urged all UMNO members to follow his example to quit the party.

Source here.

18 May 2008

Happy Vesak Day

Happy holiday and may we be guided by a life of enlightenment.

Update: More pixs

Pix courtesy of TV Smith

16 May 2008

Your MP's Question of the Week #9

The artificial raising of oil price by the US to protect its dollar, which will soon become banana notes, has caused a worldwide crisis. The worst of which is the looming food crisis and prices are going out of control.

And this in turn has caused the prices of our daily essential goods to rise at an alarming rate. Which is often the result of unfair practices and indiscriminate raising of prices by producers and suppliers right down to the retailer.

The consumer is the one who ultimately pays for all such increases which are usually questionable.

For example, when the price of flour has increased by 20 sen for a kilo, the roti canai or fried mee seller will quickly charge an extra 20 sen for each of these items they sell. Does one roti canai or a plate of fried mee require one kilo of flour to prepare?

There are many instances of such ridiculous price increases for essential items and the rakyat should be protected against such unscrupulous profiteering to control inflation.

Should the government control the increase of prices of essential items at all point-of-sales i.e. the wet and dry markets, pasar malam(s), super and mini markets, sundry shops, restaurants, coffee shops, hawker stalls, etc.?
- Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak - Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong -
Soalan Mingguan MP Anda #9

Tindakan Amerika Syarikat menaikkan harga minyak bukan berdasarkan keadaan pasaran tetapi hanya untuk mempertahankan nilai dollar-nya, di mana dollar AS akan menjadi mata wnag yang tidak bernilai lagi, telah menyebabkan masalah sedunia. Kesan yang paling teruk adalah harga makanan yang akan terlepas daripada kawalan.

Ini pulang akan menyebabkan harga barang-barang keperluan kami naik dengan kadar yang mencemaskan. Kesan ini kerap disebabkan oleh kenaikan harga yang tidak adil oleh pihak-pihak pengeluar, pembekal dan pemasar.

Penggunalah yang akan menanggung akibat kenaikan harga yang memang boleh dipersoalkn.

Umpamanya, apabila harga tepung nail 20 sen sekilo, penjual roti canai dan mee goring dengan cepat mengenakan harga tambahan 20 sen untuk setiap hidangan yang dijual. Adakah sekeping roti canai atau sepinggang mee memerlukan tepung sekilo?.

Memang banyak contoh kenaikan harga yang tidak munasabah atas barang-barang keperluan dan rakyat patut dilindungi daripada perbuatan mengaut keuntungan yang tidak jujur demi mengawal keadaan kenaikan harga umum, yaitu inflasi.

Patutkah kerajaan mengawal kenaikan harga barangan keperluan harian pada semua detik pertukaran tangan, iaitu di pasar, pasaraya, pasar malam, kedai, warung, kedai kopi, penjaja dsb?

VK Lingam video report: To make it public or not?

Today the Cabinet will be discussing whether the report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the controversial VK Lingam video clip should be made public.

To me, the question does not arise at all.

First of all, it is a Royal Commission of Inquiry done in the name of and in the stead of His Majesty the Yang Di Pertuan Agong. Surely the Agong would not want to keep his subjects in the dark with regard to a controversy so great. It is a matter of public interest and the public must be informed.

Secondly, if the Badawi administration is really serious about reforming the judiciary, making the report public would be a natural course of action. Not only should the report be made public but the government of the day should also carry out all the recommendations contained in the report to the full. It is also incumbent upon the government to do the 'extra' should the situation warrant it.

I also call upon the Badawi administration to table the said long-awaited Royal Commission report in Parliament this coming Tuesday, 20 May 2008, for debate.

Wee Choo Keong, MP for Wangsa Maju
- Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak - Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong -
Laporan penyiasatan rakaman Lingam: diumumkan atau tidak?

Hari ini jemaah menteri akan membincangkan sama ada laporan Suruhanjaya Diraja mengenai rakaman VK Lingam akan dipamer umum.

(Note penterjemah: siapa biayai belanja Suruhanjaya? Kami bayar kami patut terima laporan, lain jika BK sendiri yang keluarkan wang. Kena bayar RM500 untuk semua laporan. Jangan bazir wang saya dua kali!!!)

Untuk saya, persoalan ini tidak patut timbul.

Pertama, ini adalah siasatan Suruhanjaya Diraja atas nama Duli Yang Maha Mulia Yang Di Pertuan Agong. Saya pasti DYMM tidak mahu rakyat jelatanya tidak diberi penjelasan kepada suatu keadaan yang sarat dengan kontroversi dan kepentingan umum.

Keduanya, jika pentadbiran Badawi tegas terhadap pemulihan kehakiman, mengumumkan laporan siasatan adalah langkah yang sepatutnya. Bukan sahaja diumumkan tetapi cadangan-cadangan suruhanjaya perlu dilaksanakan sepenuhnya. Pentadbiran patut melaksanakan lebih banyak langkah pemulihan sekiranya perlu.

Saya menyeru pentadbiran Badawi mengemukakan laporan ini yang sudah lama ditunggu supaya dibahaskan di parlimen pada hari selasa 20 Mei 2008.

Wee Choo Keong, Ahli Parlimen Wangsa Maju

15 May 2008

Kuala Lumpur Draft Plan 2020 is people unfriendly!

Rancangan Kasar Pembangunan Kuala Lumpur 2020 tidak memanfaatkan rakyat!

At 9.30 this morning, Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur launched the "Draf Pelan Bandar Raya Kuala Lumpur 2020."

9:30 pagi ini, Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur melancarkan "Draf Pelan Bandar Raya Kuala Lumpur 2020."

L-R: Kak Ann, PKR Deputy Wanita Chief; YB Nurul Izzah, Ahli Parliament Lembah Pantai

Dari kiri ke kanan: Kak Ann, Naib Ketua Wanita PKR; YB Nurul Izzah, Ahli Parliament Lembah Pantai

The 10 Pakatan Rakyat MPs were not accorded with due respect as the people representatives. DBKL is still suffering from the "Denial Syndrome" like BN. DBKL has failed to realise that the 10 PR MPs are the people representatives that enjoy more than 90% of the support of the residents of Kuala Lumpur.

Some of the MPs were allocated with seats and some were not. Yet none of the PR MPs was appointed as a committee member of the Committee to approve or amend the Draft Plan. None of the MPs was given a hard copy of the Kuala Lumpur Draft Plan for 2020. I call upon Datuk Bandar KL to appoint all the MPs in KL to be members of this special committee for the Deraf Pelan Bandar Raya KL."

I have looked at the Plans. There are nothing to shout about. I can only come to one conclusion that in the said draft plan DBKL pay more attention to have more "concrete jungles" than having more green lungs for KL. In other big cities like London, New York, Tokyo and Singapore all the local governments jealously guard green lungs and the preservation of green lungs is one of the top agendas of the residents.

In Wangsa Maju we are getting more housing developments especially flats than green lungs and other public amenities like Sport Complexes equipped with swimming pools, badminton, squash and basketball courts, libraries and community halls.

In Wangsa Maju we need more green lungs and public amenities. We have enough of housing developments. I am certain that if we carry on having more housing developments then we will have more population and the present infrastructure may not be able to cope with the increase. If this draft plan is approved as it is by Datuk Bandar KL, I am certain this will cause more traffic jams and crime rates will increase.

The Kuala Lumpur Draft Plan 2020 will be exhibited for public inspection and for the public to submit objections. Should there be any objection, one has to fill in a form and state the details of the objection.

I urge Wangsa Maju-ians to turn out in full force and let your objections be known. We are the managing directors of our destiny and we must take control!

We need more green lungs, more playgrounds and sports facilities for our children and rakyat WE DO NOT NEED MORE CONCRETE JUNGLES!

15 May – 15 June, 2008
Aras Tingkat Bawah, Carrefour Wangsa Maju

16 – 30 June, 2008
Lobi Utama, Pusat Komuniti Gombak (Taman Melati)

- Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak - Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong -

10 orang wakil rakyat PR tidak diberikan penghormatan yang sepatutnya. DBKL masih menolak hakikat seperti BN. DBKL gagal memahami bahawa 10 WR daripada PR mewakili 90% daripada jumlah suara penduduk KL

Sebahagian daripada WR diberi kerusi dan lain tidak. Tiada seorang pun dilantik sebagai ahli jawatankuasa untuk meluluskan atau mengubah rancangan tersebut dan tiada seorang pun diberi satu salinan “Kuala Lumpur Draft Plan for 2020”. Saya menyeru Datuk Bandar KL supaya melantik semua WR di KL menjadi ahli jawatankuasa untuk “Deraf Pelan Bandar Raya KL."

Saya telah tengok rancangan tersebut. Tiada apa-apa yang menakjubkan. Saya hanya ada satu rumusan bahawa rancangan ini menitikberatkan pembikinan bangunan-bangunan dan tidak mementingkan adanya kawasan-kawasan bertumbuhan untuk KL. Dalam bandaraya-badaraya lain seperti London, New York, Tokyo dan Singapore, semua kerajaan tempatan menjaga kawasan-kawasan bertumbuhan dengan tegas dan menjadikannya urusan terpenting demi kesejahteraan penghuni-penghuni

Di Wangsa Maju kami mendapati lebih banyak pembikinan rumah pangsa dan bukannya kawasan bertumbuhan dan lain-lain kemudahan awam seperti pusat beriadah/bersukan lengak dengan kolan renang, gelanggang bola keranjang, perpustakaan awam dan dewan masyarakat.

Di Wangsa Maju, kami memerlukan kemudahan tersebut dan bukannya pembikinan ruamh-rumah. (Note penterjemah, betul, tengok banyak kedai-kedai kosong di Seri Rampai, Taman Melawati, Taman Permata.)

Sudah cukupnya usaha perumahan. Saya pasti dengan kebih banyak perumahan, penghuni akan bertambah dan kemudahan awam sekarang tidak dapat menampung mereka. Jika rancangan kasar ini diluluskan oleh Datuk Bandar KL saya pasti masalah kesesakan lalu lintas dan jenayah akan bertambah

“Kuala Lumpur Draft Plan 2020” akan dipamer untuk tatapan umum dan akan menerima bantahan umum. Jika ada bantahan, pengadu perlu mengisi satu borang dan menyatakan butir terperinci.

Saya mengesa semua penghuni Wangsa Maju keluar beramai-ramai dan mengutarakan bantahan-bantahan anda. Kita adalah pengarah urusan masa depan kami dan kami mesti memainkan peranan mengawal masa hadapan kita!

Kami memerlukan lebih banyak kawasan bertumbuhan, kawasan permainan dan sukan untuk anak-anak kita dan semua rakyat jelata. Kami tidak memerlukan hutan batu-bata

15 Mei – 15 Jun, 2008
Aras Tingkat Bawah, Carrefour Wangsa Maju

16 – 30 Jun, 2008
Lobi Utama, Pusat Komuniti Gombak (Taman Melati)